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Vocal lesson introduction


Welcome to our vocal lessons! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced singer our lessons are designed to help you improve your vocal skills and reach full potential. I will guide you through various and exercises to help you develop your voice and achieve your goals. Let's get started!

學唱歌是有方法的《現代歌唱技巧》可以讓流行唱歌學習更有效率。你的第一堂歌唱課會讓我發掘你的聲音和你的目標, 我會帶你做一些專門為你的聲音設計的技巧練習, 我會教你如何使用這些練習來唱出不同風格的歌曲, 然後你會對你的聲音運用會有更深入的了解。

歌唱課程就像你的個人旅程,你會找到自己的聲音,你的感受, 經常訓練可以讓我們的聲音更有力,更容易唱歌,音域更廣, 無論您是專業歌手還是初學者,歌唱課程都是一次神奇的自我發現之旅。

Welcome to "Modern Vocal Techniques"! Our first singing lesson will help you discover your voice and goals. I will guide you through exercises designed specifically for your voice and teach you how to use them to sing different styles of songs. With regular practice, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your voice and improve its power, range, and ease of use. Whether you're a professional singer a beginner, our singing lessons are a magical journey of self-discovery.

What is Modern Vocal Technique?


Modern vocal technique refers to the latest methods and approaches used in singing. It emphasizes proper breathing, posture, and vocal exercises to improve tone, range, and control. With modern vocal technique, singers can achieve a more versatile and expressive voice, allowing them to perform a wide range of musical styles with ease.

The Benefits of Vocal Lessons:


Broaden your vocal range, learn to sing with colds or allergies, prevent vocal fatigue or damage, develop a healthy and strong voice, train your ears, practice phrasing and improvisation, master your breathing, improve your speaking skills, overcome anxieties, prepare for auditions or touring, enhance your pitch control, sing in the style of music you love, suitable for beginner to advanced singers.

How to start ?

我很高興能夠透過 SKYPE 或 Zoom 為來自法國、美國、台灣、香港、英國、馬來西亞等國家的學生提供線上歌唱課程。
您所需要的只是一台內建或外置麥克風以及穩定的網路連線的電腦或 iPad。上課時,我會提供練習用的音樂文件,你可以在家裡錄製自己的歌聲,讓我們一起聆聽和調整,參加線上歌唱課程可以提高音樂耳朵和整體音樂性,這是鍛鍊歌唱技巧的好方法。需要更多訊息請寫信給我!
I am excited to offer online singing lessons through SKYPE or Zoom to students from various countries such as France, America, Taiwan, Hong Kong, UK, Malaysia, and more. All you need is a computer or iPad with a built-in or external microphone and a stable internet connection. During the class, I will provide music files for practice, and you can record your singing at home and it for us to listen and adjust together. Taking online singing lessons can improve musical ear and general musicality, and it's a great way to work on your singing skills. Please email me for more information and to set up first class.

Vocal Assessment Course



Having an assessment course before starting a package class can be beneficial for both the student and the teacher. It allows the teacher to understand the student's current level ,skills, and abilities, which can help tailor the package class to meet the student's specific needs and goals. 


The assessment course can also help the student identify their strengths and weaknesses, set realistic learning objectives, and track their progress throughout the package class. Overall, the assessment course can lead to a more personalized and effective learning experience for the student.

It is recommended for new students to participate in a 90-minute singing assessment course to test vocal range and tone quality, allowing teachers to provide personalized guidance. The assessment helps establish learning goals, boost confidence, and ignite a passion for learning.

Tuition 學費:

1堂課程費用 : 60 歐元 

4堂課 : 220歐元- 課程期限為3個月

10堂課 : 500歐元 - 課程期限為6個月​

**歌唱評估課程學費:70歐元/ 2200 新台幣TWD - 90分鐘**


 1堂課:1900 TWD

 4 堂課 : 6800 TWD  

10堂課: 15000 TWD 

​所有音樂課程費用皆為1對1個別教授,每堂課為 60分鐘,


* 付款方式: 可通過PayPal、信用卡或其他在線支付平台接受付款。
* 取消政策: 需提前24小時通知以避免收費。


 1-hour lesson: 60 EURO

 4-hours package lessons : 220 EURO - valid for 3 months

 10-hours package  lessons : 500 EURO-valid for 6 months

 Please pay before the first lesson ,

 Discount only available when paid in advance.

 one on one , one class = 60 min ​


* 付款方式: 可通過PayPal、信用卡或其他在線支付平台接受付款。
* 取消政策: 需提前24小時通知以避免收費。

​General Notes:
* Payment Methods: Accept payments via PayPal, credit card, or other online payment platforms.
* Cancellation Policy: 24-hour notice required for cancellations to avoid a fee.

How to start and booking lessons 如何預約課程?

如果您對我們的課程或音樂有任何疑問,請隨時透過電子郵件或常見問題部分與我們聯繫,為了更好地幫助您,請提供您所在的國家/地區,城市以及您的音樂背景的簡要介紹,感謝您的關注!      ​

If you have any questions about our courses or music in general, please don't hesitate to contact us by email or our FAQ section. To help better assist you, please include your country, city, and a brief introduction of your musical background if applicable. Thank you for your interest!​


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